Having new logo or brand identity created isn’t always a daunting experience. It can be very complex, if your business is large like Nike or Apple. But for small to medium sized businesses its as complex as you want to make it. Mainly its about knowing your business, who your customers are, who your competitors are and how you want your business to be perceived. Knowing the answers to the following questions will help us create a logo and or brand identity that you can be proud of. It will also help contribute to your business success.

  • What type of product or service do you offer?
  • Who are your target customers?
  • Who are your closest competitors?
  • What sets you apart from your competitors?
  • What do you want your logo to communicate?
  • Do you have a style or colour preference?
  • Are there any specific colors you’d like to avoid?
  • What is your budget?

Do you have a style or colour preference? This is a key question and step where you can save time and reduce the overall design costs. This is particularly important if you already have a specific idea for the logo and or brand identity you want. The idea here is to give the designer images of logo’s you like, you could also include images you don’t like. You then need to explain what you do and don’t like about them. The easiest way to achieve this is to go online and use a search engine like google and try an image search for  i.e.  colourful logo’s or black and white logos etc. When you find the logo styles you like, save an image of them and give them to your designer. This is a simple but significant way of achieving your logo vision and you will be happier with the end result.