We recommend you send to us PDF files for all printing projects.

PDF check list:
  • Print ready pdf
  • Trim marks are visible and also Bleeds, if needed, are visible
  • All fonts are embedded or subset
  • Only high resolution images or 300 DPI images were used in the design
  • Single page PDF’s – Not reader spreads
  • Separate PDF’s combined into one PDF file (Only necessary for books or multiple page documents)
  • Only one copy of the design – Not multiple copies duplicated or imposed on the sheet
  • A Jpeg image of how the final design looks on your computer is attached to the project
  • CMYK colour space is highly recommended

We recommend you send us PDF files for all printing projects. PDF’s or portable document format files are the printing industry standard format. If created correctly they are more stable, smaller in size and less likely to change than any other file format.
For Adobe software we recommend you download and use our PDF joboptions when creating a PDF file or select Press Quality for your pdf settings. Note: if using the Press Quality settings, select use trim marks and document bleed.
To install our Design Creative Media job options, download, unzip and double click on the Design Creative Media.joboptions file to install it. Once installed, it will be available in the drop down menu the next time you create a pdf.

Working or digital file check list:
  • Trim marks and bleeds if needed, are included on the digital files
  • All fonts used are attached with the digital files
  • Only high resolution images or 300 DPI images were used and are attached or embedded into the design
  • A Jpeg image of how the final design looks on your computer is attached to the project
  • Only necessary files included and all files clearly named or labeled
  • A text file with information about the digital files is included (Only necessary for projects containing multiple working files)
  • Only one copy of the design – Not multiple copies duplicated or imposed on the sheet
  • CMYK colour space is highly recommended